SO College

To create awareness for intellectual disabilities, raise money for Special Olympics PA, and serve our community through unified events with athletes.
University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus
14 Members

The purpose of the SO College is to create awareness for intellectual disabilities, raise money for Special Olympics Pennsylvania, and to serve our community through unified events with Special Olympics athletes. These will hopefully include unified sporting events, such as football, soccer, or basketball, with teams. The “teams” will be Pitt students partnering up with Special Olympics athletes for each individual sport.  

The purpose of the SO College is to create awareness for intellectual disabilities, raise money for Special Olympics Pennsylvania, and to serve our community through unified events with Special Olympics athletes. These will hopefully include unified sporting events, such as football, soccer, or basketball, with teams. The “teams” will be Pitt students partnering up with Special Olympics athletes for each individual sport.  

Member Snapshot

Executive Board 2025 - 2026